Laura Thomas Evans
Laura Thomas Evans
Event Director
Pediatric Potpourri®: State of the Art - Winter Pediatric CME on Maui
Pediatrics in the Islands … Clinical Pearls - Summer Pediatric CME on Maui
Aloha Update: Pediatrics® - Fall Pediatric CME on Kauai
Laura Evans serves as Event Director for the three annual Hawaii pediatric conferences organized by Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Medical Group.
Prior to focusing exclusively on these events, Laura was the Director of Business Intelligence for Pediatric Management Group. In this role, she had oversight responsibility for the Hawaii meetings in addition to managing data analysis and reporting for business decision-making.
Her earlier experience in continuing education includes serving as Education Director for the Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles (continuing legal education) and Marketing Manager for Management Education Corporation (human resources seminars and environmental seminars).
Laura earned a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University. She lives on Lopez Island, one of the San Juan Islands in Washington state, where she is an active member of the San Juan County Textile Guild and the Lopez Community Singers.